Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services

The Terrell Tisdale Library is home to Enrollment Services, a unit of the college that supports students through admission, enrollment, financial aid, and scholarships. Enrollment Services is open Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It is closed weekends and school holidays.

Admission to Jones College

All students who meet the admission requirements are admitted to Jones College, and all services and benefits are awarded without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or disability. Institutional admission permits students to enter the College. It may not admit applicants to all programs. Some programs have additional requirements for entry.

Jones College ascribes to an “open admissions” policy consistent with all appertaining laws. The College embraces the philosophy that students be provided the opportunities for learning experiences. Basic skills courses, counseling, and tutorial assistance will help individual students to succeed in achieving their educational goals. Relevant diagnostic instruments are utilized to determine the strengths and needs of student in order to assist in the selection of the most appropriate program options to help assure student success.

General Admission

All applicants must submit the following to the Admissions and Records Office:

  1. A completed application for admission which is provided by the Admissions and Records Office.
  2. A final transcript of high school work showing date of graduation, or acceptable High School Equivalency (HSE) scores must be provided when applicable. JC accepts only regular diplomas from accredited high schools.

A transfer student must submit an official transcript from each college attended. JC only accepts credits from regionally accredited colleges.

Note: Students returning to Jones after sitting out one or more semesters (fall/spring) must complete an updated Application for Admissions.

Visit New2Jones at www.jcjc.edu for a step by step checklist.

Special Admissions

A student graduating from a non-accredited high school or home school program with a diploma equivalent to a Mississippi high school diploma who elects not to take the HSE may be admitted to the College by presenting:

  1. A final transcript showing date of graduation with a signature of a certifying individual, homeschool transcripts must be notarized, and
  2. A composite ACT score of 16 or higher.

Admission to the college does not guarantee financial aid eligibility. Transcripts from non-accredited high schools or home school programs must be evaluated under existing federal regulations. Students are encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid Office early in the admissions process.

Admissions To Associate Of Arts (A.A. Degree), Associate Of Applied Science ( A.A.S. Degree) Or Technical Certificate

In addition to General Admissions requirements, students enrolling in an Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Science degree plan must provide the following:

  1. Official scores on the American College Test (ACT).
  2. In addition, technical programs may have program specific entrance requirements. Please consult the appropriate section of the catalog for further details.

Note: Certificates of Attendance, Occupational Diplomas or Special Education

Certificates are not acceptable for admission into liberal arts or technical programs.

Admission to Career Programs

Career Programs, in addition to General Admissions requirements, have program specific entrance requirements.

Please consult the appropriate section of the catalog for further details.

Applicants who do not hold a regular high school diploma or HSE may qualify for certain career programs by submitting either:

  1. An Occupational Diploma from an accredited high school, or
  2. Proof of “Ability to Benefit” (ATB) and proof of age.

Dual Enrollment /Dual Credit For High School Students

Mississippi Code of 1972: 37-15-38 established dual enrollment and dual credit programs for high school and postsecondary credit. The purpose of the Dual Enrollment and Credit Program is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to simultaneously enroll in college courses at Mississippi (public) Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) or Mississippi Community or Junior Colleges (CJCs) that provide pathways leading to academic or career technical postsecondary credit.

Definition of a Dual Credit student at JC: A dual credit student is a student who is enrolled at JC while enrolled in high school. The student receives both high school and postsecondary credit for coursework regardless of the course location (high school campus, postsecondary campus, or online). One three-hour postsecondary course is equal to one high school Carnegie unit.

Definition of a Dual-Enrolled student at JC: A dual enrolled student is a student who is enrolled at JC while enrolled in high school. The student receives postsecondary credit for coursework.

Academic Eligibility

To be eligible for enrollment, a high school student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have earned fourteen (14) Core Carnegie Units as listed in Appendix B of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards;
  2. Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and a partial high school transcript from an accredited high school or home-school program;
  3. Obtain unconditional written approval/authorization in the form of the Dual Authorization Form from his/her high school counselor, principal, or principal’s designee.
  4. Signed Parental Consent Form (Dual Authorization Form).
  5. Submission of official ACT scores to JC with a Composite score of sixteen (16) is required for all dual enrollment/credit classes.
    1. Certain courses require specific ACT Component scores for enrollment. For example, a MATH score of nineteen (19) or above is required to enroll in College Algebra and an ENGL score of seventeen (17) or above is required to enroll in English Comp I.
  6. Consideration for the dual enrollment program without the minimum fourteen (14) core high school units if they have a minimum ACT composite score of thirty (30) or the equivalent SAT scores, and have the required 2.5 grade point average, and the recommendations prescribed above;
  7. Completion of the JC Dual Enrollment/Credit Application for admission and enrollment. Enrollment for the dual program is based on the availability of courses and seats each semester. These projections are provided to the Dual Credit Office by the high school counselors;
  8. The student or parents/legal guardians are responsible for the tuition, fees, and other costs (including books and materials) associated with the course taken unless otherwise stated.
    1. All charges and fees must be paid directly to Jones College.
    2. Final grades will not be released to the high school until all student debts are paid in full.
    3. Tuition and fee charges for the students participating in the program will be reviewed annually, and if changes are made, notice will be given to the high school before the course begins. 
    4. Students enrolled in the dual credit/enrollment program are ineligible for financial aid, institutional aid, foundation scholarships, or leadership scholarships.
  9. Adhere to the Attendance/Absentee/Withdrawal/Academic/Discipline policies of Jones College. If a student wishes to drop a course, he/she must email the Dual Enrollment Coordinator to process the withdrawal.

Career and Technical Education Eligibility

To be eligible for enrollment, a high school student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have earned fourteen (14) Core Carnegie Units as listed in Appendix B of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards;
  2. Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and a partial high school transcript from an accredited high school or home-school program;
  3. Obtain an unconditional approval/authorization in the form of the Dual Authorization Form from his/her high school counselor, principal, or principal’s designee;
  4. Signed Parental Consent Form (Dual Authorization Form).;
  5. Official ACT score or CRC credential must be on file at JC, with an ACT composite score of 16 or CRC Silver credential for CTE programs only;
  6. Consideration for the dual enrollment program without the minimum 14 core high school units is available if they have a minimum ACT composite score of thirty (30) or the equivalent SAT scores, have the required grade point average and recommendations prescribed above.
  7.  An official copy of his/her high school transcript must be sent to the Admissions and Records Office at Jones College at least 10 days before the beginning of the enrollment period;
  8. Completion of the Jones College admission, registration, and orientation processes for enrollment. Enrollment for the dual program is based on availability of courses each semester that are provided by projections from the high school counselors.
  9. The Student or parents/legal guardians are responsible for the tuition and other costs (including books) associated with the course taken, unless otherwise covered by the local school district.
    1. All charges and fees must be paid directly to Jones College.
    2. Final grades will not be released to the local high school until all student debts are paid in full.
    3. Tuition and fee charges for the students participating in the program will be reviewed annually and, if charges are made, notice will be given to the high school before the course begins.
  10. Adhere to the Attendance/Absentee/Withdrawal/Academic/Discipline policies of Jones College.
    1. If a student wishes to drop a course, he/she must email their instructor to process the withdrawal.

Note: Students enrolled in the dual enrollment program are ineligible for financial aid.

Early Admission

Students may apply for early admission to Jones College provided they meet the following criteria:

  1. Must have a minimum or fourteen (14) core high school units.
  2. Must have a 3.0 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses as documented by an official high school transcript.
  3. Must have an unconditional written recommendation from their principal and/or guidance counselor stating that is in the best educational interest of the student. The recommendations shall also state that the student’s age will not keep him from being a successful full-time college student.
  4. Must have a minimum ACT composite score of twenty-six (26) or the equivalent SAT score.

Note: Early admission students are not enrolled in high school.

International Students

Jones College reserves the right to limit the number of international students admitted. JC will admit a limited number of international scholarship athletes and fine arts scholarship recipients. In addition to completing all requirements for admission to JC, foreign students must meet these additional requirements:

  • Pass the English Equivalent Test (TOEFL) with a score of 500 or more on the paper based or a 69 on Internet Based (iBT); OR present a grade of “C” or better in English Composition I and English Composition II transferred from a regionally accredited university or college within the United States.
  • Provide translated financial statement from a sponsor.
  • Provide translated proof of medical insurance coverage.
  • Provide translated records of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella; provide evidence of vaccination for hepatitis and provide documentation of tuberculosis screening. The State of Mississippi requires all new foreign applicants to be screened for tuberculosis by the local office of the Mississippi Department of Public Health. Tuberculosis screening must take place in the United States.
  • Provide a transcript certified by WES* credential services to the Registrar. Complete, official scholastic records translated into English (if these are being submitted from a high school, a graduation or completion date must be listed on the transcript) and evaluated by WES*. Applicants who have not received a degree equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma may submit a passing General Education Development (GED) test score. Transcripts from colleges or universities outside of the United States must be submitted to WES* for evaluation and translation. If the student would like to have credit applied towards a degree from JC, the evaluation service must provide course comparisons for the appropriate courses. Results should be mailed directly to the Office of Admissions.

* World Educational Service, Inc. 800-937-3899 www.wes.org

  • Student must provide official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges or universities (if applicable). Applicants who have completed 12 or more semester hours of college level from regionally accredited colleges or universities are required to submit only their United States transcripts.


International students applying for F-1 status are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee at www.fmjfee.com. New students and exchange visitors with a Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 are subject to the fee. For complete information on payment of the fee go to www.fmjfee.com, www.ice.gov or call 1-212-620-3418. 



Enrollment Services

The Terrell Tisdale Library is home to Enrollment Services, a unit of the college that supports students through admission, enrollment, financial aid, and scholarships. Enrollment Services is open Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It is closed weekends and school holidays.


Withdrawal From College

The permanent record of a student withdrawing from the College is not complete until they have officially withdrawn. The correct procedure is to consult with the Enrollment Services to complete an official withdrawal form. The withdrawal will then become part of the student’s permanent record. Students who leave school without following this procedure may be subject to all applicable tuition and fees. Students may withdraw by completing the process through Enrollment Services. Enrollment Services is located on the first floor of the Terrell Tisdale Library. Students can also reach Enrollment Services at enrollmentservices@jcjc.edu or 601.477.4257.

Course Repeats

Students may repeat courses at Jones College to improve their GPAs. The best grade earned in a course will be the official grade. Students repeating a class taken prior to 1985 should contact the Admissions and Records Office to insure the best grade earned will be the official grade. Students should be aware that senior institutions develop their own acceptance policies on repeats.

JC Begin Again

Jones College encourages the enrollment of previous students who have decided to continue their education. For students whose grades were inadequate during previous enrollment, JC’s Begin Again is a way to dismiss previous grades from consideration when computing grade point average at Jones.

Begin Again requirements:

  1. The student must complete a request for Begin Again and submit it to the registrar.
  2. Begin Again may be declared only one time.
  3. The student must not have been enrolled for five consecutive years (60 months).
  4. Federally funded financial aid may still be denied based on old grades. Begin Again GPA calculations are for JC academic matters only.
  5. The student will not be allowed to specify the grades that will be forgiven. NO grades prior to the initial Begin Again semester will be counted for graduation or grade point average calculation. All grades will remain on the transcript with a special notation for forgiven grades.
  6. Student must enroll and complete one successful semester at Jones before Begin Again calculations will take effect.
  7. Other colleges or universities may not honor the Begin Again GPA. Please check with individual institutions for their policies.
  8. A student who has received a degree or certificate is not eligible for Begin Again.
  9. The registrar is responsible for providing the necessary interpretations on questions not expressly answered in this policy.

Auditing Courses

Students may be permitted to audit courses depending upon available space. Fees for auditing a course are the same as for regular registration for a course. Students interested in auditing a course should contact the Office of Instructional Affairs.

Credit for Course Work

Transfer Credit

All course work transcribed at a regionally accredited institution will be placed on a student’s permanent record as maintained by this college. The Admissions and Records Office will notify transfer students of the amount of the credit which will transfer prior to the end of the first term in which they are enrolled. All grades of “D” or above will be accepted as hours attempted and passed. Developmental course work (classes considered below college level) transferred from outside institutions cannot be applied as hours passed toward a degree. Credit earned at a non-regionally accredited institution will not be recognized for transfer credit.

Students must maintain an accumulative GPA of 2.0 or above when all transfer courses used to meet degree requirements are averaged with course work completed at Jones College.

Credit By Examination

Jones College will allow students to earn credit by examination under one or more of the following programs for up to a total of 30 semester hours:

  1. College Level Examination Program - General Examination 
    Jones College will allow credit examination to those students who have been out of high school for at least 3 years and have never enrolled in a college level class for the General Examination area. The Admissions and Records Office will determine a person’s eligibility to receive credit. A student who has earned over 30 semester hours of college credit may not earn additional credit through the use of this examination. Credit will be granted for successful completion of the examination in the following manner:
    CLEP Exam JC Equivalent
    American Government PSC 1113
    US History I HIS 2213
    US History II HIS 2223
    Biology BIO 1114
    Business law BAD 2413
    Calculus MAT 1613
    Chemistry CHE 1214
    College Algebra MAT 1313
    College Composition ENG 1113
    Spanish MFL 1213
    Information Systems & Computer Applications CSC 1123
    Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 2113
    Principles of Microeconomics ECO 2123
    Sociology SOC 2113
    Trigonometry MAT 1323
    Western Civilization I HIS 1113
    Western Civilization II HIS 1123

    Listed below are the CLEP exams accepted for credit and applied toward graduation at Jones Junior College. Credit is awarded for test scores of 50 and above.

    Note: CLEP credit awarded by Jones College may not be accepted by other educational institutions. Students should consult transfer institutions to determine acceptable credit.
  2. Advanced Placement Program 
    Students from cooperating high schools can earn up to 18 semester hours with no more than 6 semester hours or 2 courses in one subject-matter area through the College Board’s Advanced Placement Program. The awarding of credit is administered by the Admissions and Records Office. Letter grades are not assigned. “Pass” (P) appears on the transcript for courses in which Advanced Placement credit is earned. Credit awarded is based on the following scores:

    Listed below are the Advanced Placement exams accepted for credit and applied toward graduation at Jones College. No credit is awarded for a score of 1 or 2. Three hours of credit are typically awarded for a score of 3 and six hours awarded for scores of 4 or 5 if the course is part of a two part series.
    AP Exam JC Equivalent
    Art, Drawing ART 1313, 1323
    Biology BIO 1114, 1124
    Chemistry CHE 1214, 1224
    Computer Science CSC 1123
    Economics, Macro ECO 2113
    Economics, Micro ECO 2123
    English Language and Composition ENG 1113
    US Government and Politics PSC 1113
    United State History HIS 2213, 2223
    World History HIS 1113, 1123
    Calculus AB, BC MAT 1613, 1623
    Spanish Language and Culture MFL 1213, 1223
    Spanish Literature and Culture  
         Level I MFL 1213, 1223
         Level II MFL 2213, 2223
    Physics B or C PHY 2414, 2424
    Psychology PSY 1513

    Note: Some Advanced Placement tests cover such specific and well-defined areas that only 3 semester hours credit may be awarded despite a score of 5. Advanced Placement credit awarded by Jones College may not be accepted by other educational institutions. Students should consult transfer institutions to determine acceptable credit.
  3. Credit By Examination-Nationally Recognized Credentials 
    Credit-By-Examination (CBE) provides multiple entry points into a number of Career and Technical programs as a non-duplicative sequence of technical skill proficiency for programs aligned to nationally recognized credentials. Where possible, CBE provides a career pathway into credit-bearing postsecondary CTE programs and attainment of an industry recognized credential, certificate, diploma, or degree. In order for CBE participants to gain college credit, he/she must meet college admission standards for the career or technical program in which he/she is entering. For those who have successfully completed the nationally recognized credential, the participant will provide documented proof of a valid and current certification or credential. The credit will be awarded after the student completes one semester in the same program in which the CBE applies. To determine if a program offers CBE services, please refer to that particular program in the college catalog.

Experiential Learning

Jones College will award credit to veterans after an evaluation by the Office of Admissions and Records. As an accredited institution and a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Jones College is the final authority for assessing and transcribing credit for military training and experience. Jones College’s established policy for the assessment and transcription of credit for military training and experience supersedes ACE credit recommendations and those of any other organization.

Award of credit for military training and experience is based upon official documentation. Acceptable documents for assessment of military training and experience are: Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript (AARTS), and Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) System.

Note: The Community College of the Air Force is a SACSCOC accredited school and therefore is treated as college transfer work. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all records.

Documentation becomes part of the student’s academic record and becomes the property of Jones College. All documentation will be submitted to and evaluated by the Registrar’s Office.

The Registrar’s Office will determine credit as being career, technical, or academic in nature as well as the number of credit hours awarded to the student. If a student plans on using credit toward the Associate of Applied Science degree, Technical Certificate, or Career Certificate, the student’s primary instructor must complete any appropriate course substitution forms.

Credit will not be placed on the student’s transcripts until the student has completed 12 semester hours.