Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Student Financial Aid

Students interested in applying for federal student aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students must apply each academic year. When the FAFSA is submitted to the Federal Processor, the student must designate Jones College (federal school code 002411) as one of the college recipients. Priority consideration for some grants and scholarships is given to students who are admitted to the college in a degree-granting or certificate program, have a valid Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) on file, and have submitted all required information. Financial assistance is to be used for educational purposes, which is provided to students who have met the college admission requirements, have a high school diploma or recognized equivalent, and meet other eligibility requirements. In addition, to receive financial aid from any Federal Financial Aid Program, the student must meet satisfactory academic progress in the course of study according to Jones College financial aid policy. In order to be considered for aid, students may be required to submit additional information to the Financial Aid Office. All students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA. Refer to www.jcjc.edu/financialaid for information regarding federal and state financial aid programs.

Federal Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant (FAFSA) is a need-based program available to students pursuing a first undergraduate degree or certificate, demonstrating exceptional financial need, and meeting the other eligibility requirements for student financial assistance. To apply, complete an online application at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a need-based program available to a limited number of students demonstrating substantial financial need. Availability of funds is limited and is based on yearly federal allocations.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program is educational loans with fixed low interest rates which must be repaid. This program offers three types of student loans: Subsidized Loan, Unsubsidized Loan, and Parent PLUS Loan. Students are required to complete the FAFSA, student loan application, and meet all eligibility requirements to be considered for a student loan. Applications are available under forms on the Financial Aid website (https://www.jcjc.edu/financialaid/forms.php). PLUS Loan applications are only available in the Jones Enrollment Services.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is employment in offices and departments on campus and is available to students who must supplement their finances in order to attend college. The primary factors in assigning employment are as follows: financial need, the dependability of the student, positions available, and the availability of funds. Applications are available in the Veteran Affairs/Work-Study Office.

State Financial Aid Programs

Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG) is available to current legal residents of Mississippi for no less than one year immediately preceding the award year and enrolled in 15 hours. Students can view eligibility requirements and complete an online state grant application at https://www.msfinancialaid.org/. All requirements must be completed by the application deadline, which is usually September 15, but is determined by the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid.

Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG) is available to current legal Mississippi residents who are enrolled in 15 hours and meet the eligibility requirements. Students can view eligibility requirements and complete an online state grant application at https://www.msfinancialaid.org/.   All requirements must be completed by the application deadline, which is usually September 15, but is determined by the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid.

Higher Education Legislative Plan (HELP) is a scholarship that provides full-tuition to all qualified college-bound state residents who apply for the payment thereof and enroll in 15 hours at any eligible Mississippi public institution of higher learning or eligible Mississippi public community/junior college to pursue a first undergraduate degree. To apply, students must complete an online state grant application at https://www.msfinancialaid.org/ by the March 31st deadline.

Financial Aid Satifsfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

All students attending JC, whether or not they are financial aid recipients, will be expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress towards their declared degree objective in order to receive federal financial aid. If satisfactory academic progress is not met, all federal financial aid, including Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans, will be terminated. Satisfactory academic progress will be measured based on the chart below:

Cumulative Semester Hours Attempted

  • 1 - 32 Semester Hours

    • Minimum Required Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): 1.5

    • Completion Rate/Percentage of Hours Passed: 50%

  • 33 - 63 Semester Hours

    • Minimum Required Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): 1.75

    • Completion Rate/Percentage of Hours Passed: 67%

  • 64+ Semester Hours

    • Minimum Required Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.0

    • Completion Rate/Percentage of Hours Passed: 67%

The chart above does not apply to state or institutional scholarships that may require a higher GPA.

SAP measures three separate standards that are reviewed at the end of each semester of attendance by the Financial Aid Office based on the cumulative hours attempted:

  1. Qualitative component that measures the minimum grade point average,

  2. Quantitative component that measures the pace of progression, and

  3. Maximum time frame of attendance in which the student must complete the degree requirements. The review of the maximum time frame standards includes all institutional and transfer work that has been accepted by JC, including college course(s) attended while in high school.

Begin Again or Academic Amnesty does not apply when determining Financial Aid SAP.

Financial Aid Warning & Suspension

Financial Aid Warning

This status is assigned to a student the first time it is determined they have failed to meet the SAP standards based on the level of enrollment. For each SAP measurement (GPA, Completion Rate, and 84 hours for Maximum Time frame), the first violation will result in the student receiving a warning. Students are only given one semester of warning for not meeting SAP standards during their enrollment at JC.

Financial Aid Suspension

This status is assigned to a student that does not meet the SAP standards for a subsequent semester based on their level of enrollment. When a student is determined to be on suspension, their financial aid eligibility will be revoked or denied.

Notification of Financial Aid Warning and Suspension will be emailed to students at the end of the semester.

Other JC Financial Aid Regulations

Financial Aid Reinstatement and Appeals

Students have two options for reinstating their financial aid for future semesters.


Self Reinstatement

Students on Financial Aid Suspension have the option of paying out of pocket for one (or more) semester(s) to reinstate their financial aid eligibility.  Students are required to attend a minimum of 9 hours per semester towards their program of study and meet the GPA and pace of completion requirements based on the chart of attempted hours.


SAP Appeal

Students on Financial Aid Suspension have the option of appealing their suspension due to extenuating circumstances that occurred in the semesters when SAP was not met.  Extenuating circumstances can include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal illness or injury to the student or immediate family member (parent(s), spouse, child),

  • Death of close relative, 

  • Family emergency,

  • Divorce,

  • Birth of child or pregnancy, and/or

  • Other extenuating circumstances that can be fully documented.


Appeals will be reviewed in the Office of Financial Aid at Jones College on a case-by-case basis and the outcome determined based on their individual merit.  The SAP Appeal will need include a detailed statement that includes an explanation of the circumstances that occurred during the semester(s) SAP was/were not met, along with supporting documentation.  A second statement will include details of how the student’s situation has changed so they can be successful in future semester(s) at Jones College.  Appeals that are not submitted with supporting documents as outlined on the SAP Appeal form are subject to denial.  


Students that appeal for multiple semesters for not meeting the SAP requirements cannot be approved for recurring circumstances since the SAP appeal includes expectations of how the situations have changed and would not impact future enrollment at Jones College.  The Office of Financial Aid can indicate if no further appeals will be approved, no matter the circumstances that occur.  If a student appeals for the current semester, but is already recognized that they will not meet the SAP requirements by the end of the semester, the appeal will not be approved.


The Office of Financial Aid recommends that appeals be submitted prior to the start of the next semester students are expected to return to Jones College.  This is to ensure a student’s financial aid is reinstated prior to the start of the semester or payment due dates as set by the Business Office.  Appeals will be reviewed and students notified by email(s) within 15 business days of the appeal being received by the Office of Financial Aid.  Appeals are not guaranteed approval and may require request from the Office of Financial Aid for additional documentation once the review process has begun.  


Appeals to reinstate financial aid for the current semester will not be approved once the semester has ended.  Suggested deadlines to turn in appeals and any supporting documentation will be established by semester and published on the SAP Appeal form and published important dates.

Census Date

The Census Date is the date during each course schedule in which the Office of Financial Aid determines the final official enrollment for the semester.  The class(es) the student is enrolled in and attending as of the Census Date for each session will determine the amount of financial aid the student may receive.  Adding and dropping classes during the semester may affect the financial aid awarded amounts and the final balance owed by the student to Jones College.  

Determination of Need

The information submitted on the FAFSA will be used in a federally mandated calculation that determines what portion of students “cost of attendance” can be met through the students’ (and in the case of dependent students, the parents) resources. This figure is then subtracted from the cost of attendance during the appropriate period of enrollment. “Cost of attendance” is based on average costs for tuition and fees, room and board (even for commuter students), books and supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses. This figure minus the expected family contribution (EFC) equals the documented limit for need-based financial aid. Once the documented limit is determined, awards are made by the Financial Aid Office based on the students’ eligibility for aid and the amount of need-based funds available. See calculation of financial need below:

Cost of Attendance (COA) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need

Disbursement of Awards

Federal, state, and other financial aid will be credited to the student’s account by the JC FAO. Any books, supplies, miscellaneous fees, and bobcat bucks (to the extent of funds available) may be allowed to be charged against the student’s account if authorized. All refunds to students, over the above charges, will be disbursed to the students based on the refund method selected with the business office. Additional information on refunds can be found at www.jcjc.edu/refunds. Student refund dates will be posted on the Jones Financial Aid website at the beginning of each semester. This does not apply to students who work on campus. All work-study checks will be disbursed on a monthly basis.

Dual Enrolled Students

Dual enrolled college students are not eligible to receive Title IV aid at two institutions. Dual enrolled high school students are not eligible for financial aid.

Duration of Pell Grant Eligibility

The maximum allowable time a student may receive pell grant funds is the equivalent of twelve (12) full-time semesters effective the 2012-2013 school year.

Grievance Policy

Students have the option to file a grievance with the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation. The complaint process applies to conduct or behavior on the part of a Mississippi institution or any of its agents, representatives or employees that constitutes dishonest or fraudulent behavior, including providing false or misleading information to a student and operation of programs (including distance education) contrary to practices expected by institutional and/or programmatic/specialized accreditors. This process does not apply to complaints related to student grades or discipline/conduct matters. More information on filing a grievance can be found at http://www.mississippi.edu/mcca/ student_complaint_process.asp

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades that are assigned with a letter grade of “I” must be completed within six weeks of the end of the semester. If the “I” is not changed after the six-week period, the incomplete grade will be considered an “F” grade when reviewing the SAP standards.

Non-High School Graduates

Students who enroll on or after July 1, 2012, are required to have a high school diploma or a recognized equivalent. Students may receive Title IV aid if they demonstrate the ability to benefit from the academic program, and are enrolled in an eligible career pathway program as defined in the Higher Education Act.

Program of Study

Students are expected to enroll in courses pertaining to their college major.

Remedial Coursework

Students that are enrolled in remedial coursework will still be held to the same SAP standards. The remedial coursework will be calculated in SAP standards. Students may receive financial aid for 30 attempted remedial credit hours.

Repeated Coursework

All repeated coursework will be included in the SAP review. A student may receive federal financial aid for a repeat course only once if the course was previously passed. This is for instances when a student is attempting the course again for grade improvement. Students repeating failed coursework will continue to receive federal student aid, however the failed courses will affect SAP. Career and Technical programs are not subject to the same regulations for repeated coursework. Contact the Financial Aid Office for additional guidance if needed.

Return of Title IV Funds

The U.S. Department of Education’s Higher Education Amendment Act of 1998, requires that a school return all unearned Title IV aid when recipients cease attendance during the enrolled semester(s). Students who withdraw from all classes prior to completing more than 60% of an enrollment term will have their aid recalculated based on the percentage of the term completed. Federal Title IV Financial Aid includes: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Direct Student and Parent PLUS Loans.

Transfer Students

Credit hours from previous postsecondary accredited college(s) will be counted. Transfer students seeking a degree at JC are eligible to receive financial aid if eligibility requirements are met.

Transient/Guest Students

Please contact the Jones Enrollment Services for additional information.


Withdrawals will be included in the total attempted hours, however these hours will not be considered earned when determining GPA. The withdrawal of courses will be included in the determination of the Completion Rate. Rules and regulations are subject to change.