Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business Affairs

Business Office

The Business Office is located on the second floor of the Administration Building. Normal hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Prompt and accurate settlement of all accounts is expected of all students. For up-to-date information regarding fees, payment plans and refunds, visit the JC Business Office website at https://www.jcjc.edu/businessoffice/.


Legal residents of the State of Mississippi meet the criteria set forth in Section 37103, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated. A copy of this Section of the Code is available in the Admissions and Records Office.


The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change any or all fees without notice. For the most recent fee structure, visit our website at: www.jcjc.edu/business/businessoffice/docs/feesheet.pdf or www.jcjc.edu/businessoffice.

Refund Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially. Refunds of fees are computed according to the date the student personally contacts Enrollment Services to complete the withdrawal process, not the last day of class attendance. Requests for exceptions because of extenuating circumstances must be submitted in writing to the Business Office. An administrative committee will review the request, and the student will be notified as to whether or not an exception to the refund policy can be made. The college will not refund fees originally paid by check until the check has successfully cleared the student’s bank.

Refunds are issued based on the selection chosen by the student. Students that have not selected a refund preference should log on to www.enroll.moneynetworkedu.com. You will have an option to choose ACH direct deposit or the JC Pay Card, which will be a prepaid Master Card that will be mailed. To check available card balances or update a selection, you may log on to www.moneynetworkedu.com. If you have any questions regarding the refund method, you may contact the Business Office at 601.477.4013 or visit the refund method website at www.jcjc.edu/refunds.

College Property

A charge will be made to anyone using school equipment and failing to return it. Periodic inspections of dormitory rooms will be made, and the occupants of the room must pay for any missing or damaged property.

Personal Property

Even though precaution is taken to maintain adequate security, the college cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage to student possessions. Students are encouraged to carry appropriate insurance to cover such losses.


Jones OneCard

The JC OneCard is a permanent ID card for each student. The same card must be kept and used for the entire enrollment, even when returning from a previous year or semester. Students should not destroy, lose, bend or tamper with an ID card. Damaged cards may be replaced once per year upon presentation at OneCard Services; otherwise a replacement fee will be charged at the time of replacement. The ID card should be carried at all times and is to be shown for student identification upon request of any student leader, faculty member, or official member of the College staff. Lending this card to anyone or failure to present it when requested by authorized personnel is a violation of College regulations and subjects the holder to disciplinary action. The ID card will also be required for library services, cafeteria services, health services, and admission to college sponsored events, the computer labs, and the fitness center. For more infromation regarding One Card Services, visit https://www.jcjc.edu/onecard/.